Ethernet Packet Transmission Over OTN Control Plane 以太网报文在OTN控制平面的传送
With regards to the characteristics of uncertain transmission delay and packet dropout of networked control system ( NCS), a distributed model is proposed in this paper. 针对网络化控制系统(NCS)具有不确定性的传输迟延与数据丢包特性,设计了一个分布式的网络化控制系统模型。
Solutions to TCP Packet Control of IPv4/ IPv6 Conversion Gateway IPv4/IPv6转换网关中的TCP包控制解决方案
Predictive Compensation Control Algorithm on Packet Loss for Shared Control System 共享控制系统的丢包预测补偿控制算法
Clustering-Delivery of self-tuning communication capabilities, including both high-performance packet bundling and dynamic flow control; 集群能力&增加了自调整的通信能力,包括高性能封包束(PacketBundling)和动态流控制;
Considering the real time transmission of IP network, the accession of the RTP, RTCP data packet control in the design of the application layer data packet is employed to achieve the better transmission quality. 同时考虑到IP网络实时性的特点,在应用层数据包设计时,加入RTP、RTCP的数据包控制,使。传输质量更佳。
This paper analyzes the transmission mechanism which uses RTP packet to transmit video media data and uses RTCP packet to control the transmission. 分析了以RTP包传输视频数据,并以RTCP包进行控制的传输机制。
Schedule Processes with Packet Attributes in NP Control Plane OS NP控制平面OS中基于分组属性的进程调度技术
At last, using the NS-2 network simulator, this thesis presents the results of a detailed performance evaluation on primitive DREAM protocol and improved DREAM protocol from four aspects: end-to-end delay, data packet delivery ratio, control packet overhead and total number of packets. 最后使用NS-2网络仿真软件对改进前后的DREAM协议分别建模进行仿真实验,选取平均端到端时延、分组成功接收率、控制分组开销和网络分组量四个参数作为评估标准。
Controller design based on observer to data packet dropout in networked control systems 基于观测器的丢包网络控制系统控制器设计
We present a packet loss control scheme for IP networks Dynamic Partial Buffer Sharing ( DPBS). 本文基于IP网络提出了一种分组丢弃控制方案&动态部分缓冲共享。
The radio resource management algorithm includes the congestion control, packet scheduling, power control and etc. 无线资源管理算法包括分组调度,功率控制,接纳控制等,其中分组调度算法最为关键。
In the process, we take packet losses problem in control system as variant sample period process. 在模型建立过程中,本文将丢包问题视为变采样周期过程,以此建立统一模型,给系统设计带来很大的方便。
We also present the packet buffering, adaptive flow control and congestion control techniques for the reliable multicast protocols. 论文还研究了可靠多点广播协议的报文缓冲问题,探讨了协议的流控和拥塞处理技术,提出了基于速率的动态流控和拥塞控制机制。
It includes handoff control, call admission control, power control, packet schedule, load control, and mobility management so on. 该技术包括切换控制部分、呼叫接纳部分、功率控制部分、分组调度部分、和负荷控制部门以及移动性管理等。
This paper presents the structure of a multimedia optical fibre industrial control network and also discusses in particular the design and simulation of packet media access control, along with the consequences of simulation and tests. 本文首先介绍了多媒体光纤工业控制网的结构,然后着重讨论了其分组媒体接入控制部分的设计及实现,给出了采用可编程逻辑器件的模拟结果。
Study on Reverse Link Packet Data Media Access Control Technologies 反向链路分组数据业务媒体接入控制技术的研究
If we could use assembly algorithm to reduce self-similarity of traffic accessed into OBS networks, which is self-similar, we can decrease packet lost rate of control networks, reduce queuing delay and improve OBS network performance to same extent. 当接入的业务具有自相似性时,通过组装算法降低业务自相似性来降低控制网络的控制分组丢失率和减小排队延时,可以在一定程度上提高OBS网络性能。
This scheme operates at each hop and fairly allots each competing flow a share of channel time, according to which each hop and records their updated rate for each flow traversing the hop and records their updated rates into each data packet's special control header. 这种机制在每跳执行,并且公平地分配给每个竞争的数据流一定信道时间比例,对于每条经过的流记录下它相应的速率并保存在每跳里和数据包特定的控制字节中。
Access controller according to packet instructions control the electronic locks on or off. 门禁控制器根据数据包指令控制电子锁开启与关闭。
However, due to the involvement of networks, there is inevitably network-induced delay, packet loss, packet disorder in the control loop, which will affect the performance of the system. 但由于网络的介入不可避免地在控制回路中引入了网络诱导时延、数据包丢失、数据包时序错乱等问题影响着系统的性能。
Moreover, the less conservative conditions for solving the output feedback control law and calculating maximum allowable delay are obtained. ( 3) Aim at data packet loss networked control system, the state time-delay is considered. 针对丢包网络控制系统,考虑系统中存在状态延迟的情形。
However, some problems always exist including time-delay, data transferring and data packet loss in networked control system, and they will make the designed controller and control system unstable, or even fail to work. 然而,由于网络控制系统普遍存在时延、数据传输、以及数据包丢失等问题,这往往使得网络控制系统的稳定性变差,甚至无法运行。
The traffic with different QoS requirement can get different services by using packet scheduling disciplines which control the use of link bandwidth among different packets. 分组调度算法通过控制不同类型的分组对链路带宽的使用,使不同服务质量要求的数据流得到不同的服务。
Both the framework of burst data packet and burst control packet are devised based on the standard structure of the Ethernet frame and IP frame. 在标准以太网帧和IP分组的基础上,本文设计了OBS的突发数据帧和突发控制帧的结构。
This thesis uses the OMNET++ network simulation software to build a model for the routing protocol pre and post respectively, in which packet delivery ratio, control packet overhead and end-to-end delay are selected as the main evaluation parameters. 本文采用OMNET++网络仿真软件对这两种路由协议分别建模进行仿真实验,选取数据分组投递率、控制分组开销以及路由延迟等多个参数作为评估标准。
ABSTRACT: Digital Trunked System is a kind of advanced appropriative mobile communication system. It synthesizes digital technology, trunked technology, packet data service, control and command function. Abundant wireless control and command applications are provided by this system. 摘要:数字集群系统是一种高级专用移动通信系统,它将数字技术、集群技术、分组数据业务和指挥调度功能相结合,为用户提供丰富的无线指挥调度应用。
In this paper, model-based packet marking rate control strategy is aimed at dealing with the bandwidth between the different streams together to share the fairness. 本文给出的基于模型的速率控制包标记策略的目的就是处理的不同聚集流之间带宽分享的公平性问题。
However, packet disordering-based analysis and control have not been fully investigated to date. 但是,基于数据包错序的分析与控制还未得到充分考虑。
Signaling the existing communications circuit monitoring system is basically ATM packet network monitoring and control of mutual separation. 现有的通讯信令监控体系基本上是电路监控和ATM分组网络监控互相分离。